Thurston County Real Estate Specialist

I have been involved in real estate for the past 9 years, first through the Thurston County Economic Development Council and now through RE/MAX Parkside. I specialize in the local Thurston County market. My business includes all aspects of commercial and residential sales, leasing and property management. My goal is to enhance your life, location, assets and acquisitions. Call me if you would like to talk, 360-480-7917. Or visit my listings at

Monday, March 30, 2009

Plaxo and Facebook, finally giving in

So we're all in this together. This being the economic crunch; it's a crisis, it's crazy, corrupt, cranky, creative, and crusty... I'm sure there are more adjectives, but you don't want to push a point too far. My business is based largely on referral work, past clients who send me to their colleagues and friends. This is a wonderful way to get business, and it's been very good to me, and I hope it continues forever. However, in this economic time, it is necessary for business (including mine) to reach out and touch new business, new pipelines in order to stay afloat. So I have picked up my pace. I'm attending more events, more Rotary meetings, and I have joined Plaxo and Facebook. Connection, connection, connection. Keeping in front of your potential clients, letting them know you are available to work for them. This is where the creative comes in when describing the times we are in. We need to be creative in our marketing, our connections and our strategies. So get out there. NOW!

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