Thurston County Real Estate Specialist

I have been involved in real estate for the past 9 years, first through the Thurston County Economic Development Council and now through RE/MAX Parkside. I specialize in the local Thurston County market. My business includes all aspects of commercial and residential sales, leasing and property management. My goal is to enhance your life, location, assets and acquisitions. Call me if you would like to talk, 360-480-7917. Or visit my listings at

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Real Estate - THE MORPH

Everyone knows that real estate has been a horrible money and time suck the last couple years, and I stopped writing on this blog a while ago. The reason: I was busy.
Now I know that is counter-intuitive, but somehow in the last few years when everything was going crazy and the market was crashing around me, I partnered with a wonderful agent, Nancy Griego and did something smart (I wish I could claim purposeful intelligence, but it was more instinctive survival), we started managing property.

Property management of commercial property, residential rental property and housing associations.

It has been a bizarre ride and an unexpected pleasure. Turns out, I'm actually good at this. It's kind of like being a mother. I get to nurture people and property. We have lovely landlords and fabulous tenants. We have been EXTREMELY fortunate.

So in my opinion, the market has not CRASHED, it has morphed. We are now in a new real estate time. Buy stuff people. It's a great time to invest. Your rate of return on real estate rentals will outpace your stocks and you will have retirement income.

Nuff SAID.